

Coconut Bread

A sweet coconut-based bread to be enjoyed with tea or as a dessert.

Beer Bread

Most of us love bread, and most of us love beer. Why would we not combine the two into this awesome braai side?

Garlic Naan Bread

We have shared a recipe for naan before, but there are just so many tasty ways to make it. This recipe is the result of our pursuit to create the perfect naan.

Megan’s Italian Focaccia

This true Genovese focaccia recipe has made its way onto our plates many times when wanting a quick meal or a snack for friends.

Ouma Dol’s Vetkoek

If you’ve never had a vetkoek (often called fat cake) before then you really have to give this South African classic a try.

Naan Bread

A classic naan bread recipe, perfect for your home made curry.

Mealie Bread (Mielie Brood)

This traditional Afrikaans Mealie Brood is easy to make and makes the perfect braai (BBQ) side. If you’re after a hearty carb, look no further

Portuguese Rolls (Pau)

There’s nothing better than a hot Portuguese roll, with some fresh butter. Make your own rolls with our simple pau recipe.